Romina Pedreschi presented the results of her study: “From targeted approaches to omics data integration to unravel postharvest disorders”

Our Associate Researcher Romina Pedreschi presented the results of her study: “From targeted approaches to omics data integration to unravel postharvest disorders” at the prestigious Postharvest Unlimited Conference & Postharvest Ornamentals Symposium, held in the Netherlands from May 14 to 17. Her presentation focused on the research of her Fondecyt project linked to the CRG Millennium Institute research lines, related to the occurrence of physiological disorders in various fruit species.

The main objective of this research is to understand the metabolic processes associated with postharvest disorders, which have a significant impact on the quality and shelf life of agricultural products. In a context of climate change and increasing challenges in food production, it is essential to address these disorders to reduce food losses and wastage.

Pedreschi’s presentation highlighted the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms of physiological disorders, as it provides the basis for developing early and sustainable control solutions. These scientific advances contribute in the search for strategies to minimize losses and optimize the use of resources, thus promoting a more efficient and resilient food system.

Her work represents a valuable contribution in the fight against food waste and the promotion of sustainable practices in the agricultural sector.