Rodrigo Gutiérrez

Rodrigo A. Gutiérrez is a biochemist and MSc from PUC. He obtained is Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Michigan State University. During his PhD, he pioneered the use of transcriptomics technologies for genome-wide analysis of posttranscriptional mechanisms of control of gene expression. He did postdoctoral work at New York University where he developed Systems Biology approaches for Understanding N-nutrient responses in plants. Dr. Gutie´rrez returned to Chile in 2006, initiating a strong independent research program in Plant Systems Biology. He is Full Professor since early 2017, Deputy Director of the Millennium Institute for Integrative Biology and Principal Investigator at the Millennium Institute Center for Genome Regulation. Dr. Gutiérrez has received 36 grant awards throughout his independent career, most of them as PI. Dr. Gutiérrez discovered important mechanisms plants utilize to respond to changes in nitrogen (N) nutrient availability. Moreover, the adoption of holistic approaches allowed connecting processes that have been classically studied independently (e.g. plant nutrition and circadian rhythms/hormonal pathways). Results of Dr. Gutiérrez’s research is reported in 81 papers (H-index 40), 19 of which were published in the 2018-2019 period. Dr. Gutiérrez holds one patent and 5 patent applications.

He has been a promoter of Paleogenomics and Synthetic Biology in Chile: founder of the Synthetic Biology Initiative at PUC, active in teaching and education (e.g. iGEM) as well as developing tools and resources for research. Dr. Gutiérrez received several honors including Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Chilean Society of Biology), the Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Early Career Scientist award, John Boezi Memorial Alumnus Award (MSU) and Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Dr. Gutiérrez is one of the founders of the Chilean Society of Plant Biologists and first elected president. He serves in the editorial board of a number of top Plant journals (Molecular Plant, Plant and Cell Physiology, Molecular Plant Biology, The Plant Cell).


2018-to date F1000 Faculty.

2017- to date Full Professor at P. Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) 2015-present Associate Editor Molecular Plant

2017-present Guest Editor The Plant Cell

2009-present Associate Editor Plant Molecular Biology (Springer) 2018-present Director for MASC


2016 Susana Cabello (VRI, PUC)

2016 Ricardo Nilo (Researcher, UNAB)

2016 Elena Vidal (Assistant Professor, U. Mayor)

2015 Alex Slater (Assistant Professor, U. Mayor)

2015 José O’Brien (Assistant Professor, PUC)

2015 Javier Canales (Assistant Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile)

2013 Adriana Bastías (Researcher INIA, Rayentue´)

2012 Diana Gras (Researcher CONICET, CCTA, Rosario, Argentina)

2009 Andrea Vega (Assistant Professor, PUC)


2017 Orlando Contreras (Postdoc, Sweden).

2016 Viviana Araus (Postdoc, NYU)

2016 Tomás Puelma (Software Engineer, BEE).

2015 Eleodoro Riveras. (Postdoc, School of Medicine, PUC) 2013 Tatiana Kraiser (Illumina FAS)

2013 José Miguel Alvarez (Postdoc, NYU)

2012 Pamela Naulin (Postdoc, PUC)

2010 Elena Vidal (Postdoc position, PUC)

2009 Alexander Vergara. Co-advisor. (Postdoc, U de Chile)


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GRANTS as PI [Active]

2019-2021 CONICYT-Max Planck Institute. PI. CONICYT, Chile.

2017-2027 Millennium Institute for Integrative Systems and Synthetic Biology. Deputy Director. MSI, Chile.

2018-2012 Nitrate Regulatory Networks Controlling Early Post-Embryonic Plant Growth. PI. FONDECYT, Chile.

2015-2020 EvoNet. A phylogenomic and systems biology approach to identify genes underlying plant survival in marginal, low-N soils. co-PI. Department of Energy, USA.